Neat Image user guide / Using plug-in

Using the plug-in in Photoshop actions

*** Using the plug-in in Photoshop actions is only available in certain editions of Neat Image. Please see the Detailed feature map for more details.

The Neat Image plug-in can be used in Photoshop actions along with standard Photoshop filters. The plug-in has two parameters when used within a recorded action: Profile and Preset. The Profile parameter tells Neat Image which device noise profile should be used within this action. The Preset parameter specifies which noise filter preset should be used within this action.

When you record an action that includes the Neat Image plug-in, in the plug-in you can select the source of noise profile that should be used by the plug-in when the action is played. There are three ways for the plug-in to get a noise profile when run in action:

  1. to use a certain profile available on the hard drive and specified when the action is recorded;
  2. to automatically select the best matching profile from a profile set using the Profile Matcher;
  3. to automatically build a new profile by analyzing the processed image.

You can select any of these options using the Actions menu in Neat Image plug-in.

In case (1), the noise profile should be available in a file on the disk and must be loaded during recording the action so that the plug-in would know its location on the disk. The Profile parameter of the action will contain the file name of the selected profile.

In case (2), several noise profiles should be available to the Profile Matcher. The profiles should be stored in the Profile Matching folder specified in the Options. Also, the input image should contain the EXIF information to make matching possible. An action using profile matching will contain “Auto match profile” in the Profile parameter.

In cases (1) and (2), you can additionally elect to auto fine-tune selected noise profile before use. This is done by checking the Actions | Auto Fine-Tune Profile menu item during recording the action.

In case (3), no ready-made profiles are required because the plug-in can automatically build a new profile for the input image using the image itself. The only requirement is that the input image should contain enough flat featureless noise-only areas for noise analysis. An action using auto profiling will contain “Auto profile” in the Profile parameter. If an action uses certain profile and preset, you have to keep them available in the same disk location. If you want to distribute the action you have to include the profile and preset files as well.

You can also load any filter preset available on the disk to make it used by the action. Alternatively, you can select to auto match preset to the noise profile or working image. Use the Actions | Auto Match Preset menu item to make the action use preset matching.